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newboxes, that’s also new work. We try out new working models with you, focus on self-responsibility and freedom, and are excited to see how you’ll enrich our team. Take a look at what’s waiting for you.

Why you want
to be one of us.

None of us are perfect. Each of us can still learn something. We continuously invest in your personal and professional development.  With mentoring, coaching, training and more. You help determine in which direction it should go.

You know what you’re doing – and also why and how. We trust you:  that you will manage your time properly and that you can decide your place of work for yourself. And if you want to move to one of our offices - you can count on our support!

‘That’s what the boss said, that’s why we’re doing it’? That’s not our way. At newboxes you’ll be involved in decision-making processes,  learn figures, backgrounds, developments at first hand. And be heard with your point of view.

Our clients are among the best in their industry. For you, that means you develop in complex and inspiring project environments, with well-known, internationally operating clients. That’s inspiring and motivating.
We put 100% of our energy into our work, not into  personal vanity or competitive jockeying. It’s just more productive – and makes you personally happier.
Learning instead of stagnating.

None of us are perfect. Each of us can still learn something. We continuously invest in your personal and professional development.  With mentoring, coaching, training and more. You help determine in which direction it should go.

Self-responsibility instead of determination by others.

You know what you’re doing – and also why and how. We trust you:  that you will manage your time properly and that you can decide your place of work for yourself. And if you want to move to one of our offices - you can count on our support!

Understanding rather than eyes closed and hope for the best.

‘That’s what the boss said, that’s why we’re doing it’? That’s not our way. At newboxes you’ll be involved in decision-making processes,  learn figures, backgrounds, developments at first hand. And be heard with your point of view.

First class rather than second best.

Our clients are among the best in their industry. For you, that means you develop in complex and inspiring project environments, with well-known, internationally operating clients. That’s inspiring and motivating.

Teamwork rather than top dog.

We put 100% of our energy into our work, not into  personal vanity or competitive jockeying. It’s just more productive – and makes you personally happier.

Keiner von uns ist perfekt. Jeder von uns kann noch etwas lernen.Wir investieren kontinuierlich in Deinepersönliche und berufliche Entwicklung. Mit Mentorings, Coachings, Fortbildungen & mehr.Dubestimmst mit, in welche Richtung es gehen soll.

Du weißt, was Du tust –und auch, warum und wie. Wir vertrauen Dir, dass DuDeineZeit richtig einteilst und Deinen Produktivitäts-Ortselbst bestimmen kannst.Falls Duin eines unserer Offices umziehen willst –zähl ́ auf unseren Support!
„Hat der Chef so gesagt, deshalb machen wir ́s“? Nicht unsere Devise.Bei newboxes wirst Duin Entscheidungsprozesse involviert, erfährst Zahlen, Hintergründe, Entwicklungen aus erster Hand.Und wirst mit Deinem Standpunkt gehört.
Unsere Kunden zählen zu den besten in Ihrer Branche.Für Dichheißt das: Duentwickelst in komplexen & inspirierenden Projektumfeldern,bei namhaften, international agierenden Kunden. Das beflügelt und spornt an.
Keiner von uns ist perfekt. Jeder von uns kann noch etwas lernen.Wir investieren kontinuierlich in Deinepersönliche und berufliche Entwicklung. Mit Mentorings, Coachings, Fortbildungen & mehr.Dubestimmst mit, in welche Richtung es gehen soll.

Here's what makes us different.

With us, very little is set in stone. Our values, however, very definitely are. If you see yourself here and want to work in this way, do it. Apply. We look forward to hearing from you.


Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations.

We’re breaking new ground, in our minds and in reality. For us, creativity means never being satisfied with the status quo, nor with the first best answer. We stay hungry and love the question ‘Why not?’. We feel comfortable where it starts getting uncomfortable. Because creativity means problem solving. And to do that, you have to get out of your comfort zone. Only in this way are extraordinary solutions possible, as we develop them for and with our clients. By entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs.


The future is made with courage.

We’re courageous and wish the same of our employees and clients. Courage for us means that we can deal with uncertainty. Playing safe is run-of-the-mill. And that’s exactly what we don’t want to be. We dare to make mistakes, because without mistakes there’s no learning curve. And no learning curve means no increase in knowledge. That’s exactly the point, but we want to open up new dimensions for our clients so that they can identify and exploit business opportunities. To do this, you simply have to dare to do something. With an uncertain outcome. If the first attempt doesn’t work, make it the second time. Courage is appealing and drives things forward.


Never stop starting!

Change is here and it’s staying. We accept it and see it as a great opportunity to develop further. For us, the beta phase is the norm. We’re always wide awake and open for change, that is our working condition and our credo. We remain versatile, fluid, supple, and thus perfectly adapted to a highly agile world. This gives us and our clients an evolutionary advantage over rigid companies that always think in the same patterns.


Nothing strengthens more than the trust you put in a person.

Trust is the basis of cooperation. Internally in the team as well as in cooperation with our clients. We handle information entrusted to us sensitively and give honest feedback – which we also ask for in return in our work. We communicate openly, respectfully and, if necessary, critically. When we get involved in a project, we get it right. We dive deep into the matter until we see the world through our clients’ eyes. And then we transform from the inside out. This makes our work credible and makes it easier for the entire client team to accept the changes we have initiated.


You must have the fire within you and want to ignite it in others.

We love what we do. And we do what we love. Our profession is also our vocation. What we do has a meaning and we draw our daily motivation from it. As a strong team we stand up for our goals and projects, we act together and have plenty of freedom to design our projects individually. We spur each other on to the best performance, grow together and celebrate each other’s successes.


Efficiency is the key to success. But emotional intelligence is the door opener.

For us, crossing borders also means leaving our own perspectives behind and immersing ourselves in the emotional and mental world of others – whether team colleagues, partners or clients. In this way we can better understand behaviour, motivations and attitudes and can fully engage with our counterparts. We don’t want to persuade, we want to convince. It’s the only way that changes can be sustained by everyone.


The origin of every achievement is a victory over oneself.

We want to initiate changes that will shape the future of our clients’ businesses. It calls for complete focus and 100% willingness to perform. Efficiency isn’t what we have in mind. Because efficiency is the minimisation of effort. We focus on maximizing impact. We work in agile sprints to achieve the best possible result in a given time frame. That’s how we develop products from good to better to best in class, step by step and in a dynamic process. It calls for perseverance, critical faculties and the unconditional will for continuous improvement from our employees.


Your course with us.

We have plans for you.
Big ones.

No matter at which point of your career you are, we will ignite the next stage together with you – towards more responsibility, more independence, and also more entrepreneurial freedom in your actions. We will develop you from a generalist to a self-driven entrepreneur in our network. Instead of rigid positions, you can expect tailor-made development opportunities with us that are based on your strengths and abilities.

We provide the rough framework – but you fill your job with life!













for your application.


Send us a short, snappy online application.  Show us why we absolutely have to get to know you.


The telephone interview. We’re getting to know each other. You ask questions, we ask questions. Totally relaxed. Be yourself, that’s what works best.


The online interview. You give us some deeper insights about yourself. Who you are, what makes you tick. We ask questions about your experience and what you bring to the table. In return, we give you deeper insights about us - who we are and what makes us tick.


Live, real and in color. Now we want to know more (and so do you). Come and join us for a try-out day. We will give you an insight into our working culture and what we're working on right now. You give us an idea of how you would go about it. And join in. At the end of the day, we'll both know if we've hit it off - the moment of truth.


Here you’ll find answers to the most frequently asked questions.
How do I apply?

Take a look at our job openings. Which you’ll find here (Link).

Are the job offers current?

All job postings on our career page are current.

Can I apply speculatively?

Yes. However, you should still apply via the job portal and not simply by e-mail. To do so, select the job offer that best suits you. Please write a note about your speculative application in the covering letter.

Is there a fixed start date for the positions advertised?

If no fixed start date is specified, these are vacancies to be filled at the earliest possible date.

Is it possible to submit multiple applications?

Sure! Nevertheless, we recommend that you limit yourself to one job posting. Note in your covering letter that you are interested in further job offers. Your profile will also be considered for other positions if your qualifications fit better there.

Once I apply, when can I expect to hear back?

You’ll get a reply from us within a week.

How fast is the recruitment process?

That depends on both sides. If everything goes very quickly, it can be as little as two weeks from the receipt of the application to the signing of the contract.

Do I need to have completed an internship before?

As a career entrant, you should already have had a taste of the world of work, for example as part of an internship. Ideally in a larger company in the medium-sized sector or with a management consultancy.

How important are grades?

Not an easy question! Of course, good grades are a sign that you are dedicated, goal-oriented and ambitious. But we look at the big picture. Are you voluntarily active in organisations, do you have a volunteer commitment? That’s also a sign that you are a good fit for our value culture.

Can I do an internship with you or work as a student trainee?

Of course! We offer 3 to 6-month internships and also longer-term working student jobs. If this is a compulsory internship for you as part of your studies, talk to us.

Are travel expenses reimbursed for an in-person interview?

Yes, if we have made an appointment together, of course. You will be reimbursed as soon as possible after submitting the original receipts.